• February
    ATLAS-L4 project meeting at WIVW  

    On February 28th, the Würzburger Institut für Verkehrswissenschaften GmbH (WIVW) welcomed representatives from all project partners of the ATLAS-L4 project (funded by the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz) for a project management team meeting.

    Besides the presentation of the current project status and the progress of the activities in the nine work packages, the focus of the meeting was the preparation of the ATLAS-L4 final event that will take place on May 7th and 8th at the ADAC Mobility Test Center in Penzing, Germany. The event will provide exciting insights into the project results. Over the past three years, the project consortium worked on various aspects of bringing fully autonomous trucks on motorways. The project topics cover Safety and approval, Security, Functional requirements, Perception, Hardware architecture, Functional development, Software platform, Test and validation methods and Control center and teleoperation.

    Beyond the project related topics, the project partners had the opportunity to join a tour through the WIVW premises and visit various simulators.

    Thanks to our project partners MAN Truck & Bus SE, Knorr-Bremse, LEONI, Bosch, FERNRIDE, BTC Embedded Systems, Fraunhofer AISEC, Technische Universität München, Technische Universität Braunschweig, TÜV SÜD, Die Autobahn GmbH des Bundes for visiting us in Veitshöchheim!

  • February
    WIVW presented exciting first results at the SALSA project meeting  

    At the SALSA project meeting in Munich at MAN, the WIVW presented a study on the potential for napping in highly automated driving. Together with AUDI AG, we examined whether drivers can imagine sleeping in an automated vehicle and how they prefer to be awakened. With 42.5%, a large part of car drivers intends to use a future in-car sleeping function.

    In addition, the WIVW conducted a workshop on how to communicate knowledge about the functions of driving automation systems to drivers. The transfer of knowledge is particularly important for new and complex systems, e.g., in car sharing, where users have to deal with the systems at short notice. The insights gained will be incorporated into the development of suitable systems to enable quick and easy communication of complex functions.

    The project is funded by the German Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action) and the team consists of AUDI AG, Bundesanstalt für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen BASt, CanControls, Elektrobit, FKFS, Fraunhofer IOSB, Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart, INVENSITY, MAN Truck & Bus SE, Spiegel Institut, studiokurbos®, Universität Stuttgart, BASF, Porsche AG, TÜV Rheinland Consulting, and Valeo Deutschland.

  • January
    AHFE contributions available as open access  

    The WIVW was represented at the Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference (AHFE 2024) in Nice with two presentations. Both contributions are now available as open access publications.

    As part of the Hi-Drive project, a questionnaire was developed and tested to record drivers' understanding of the system and their expectations of automated driving functions. The publication is available here.

    In addition, a simulator study investigated the number and types of driving-relevant animations that can be presented in central vehicle displays without resulting in significant driver distraction. The publication is available here.

  • January
    WIVW publishes study on car sickness in Transportation Research Part F  

    Too sick to take over? Does car sickness affect cognitive performance relevant to driving?

    With the introduction of higher levels of automation, the risk of experiencing car sickness increases. Not only can car sickness affect comfort, but it might also have a negative impact on performance, which could be safety-critical when taking over in a demanding situation. Therefore, the WIVW conducted a study as part of the European Hi-Drive project to investigate the impact of car sickness on cognitive performance relevant to driving. The main findings were prolonged reaction times to sudden events, impaired hand-eye coordination, and reduced visuospatial abilities, while visual search was not negatively affected.

    The study has now been published in Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour and is freely available until mid-February 2025 here.

  • December
    WIVW publishes study on pedestrian-driver interaction in Applied Ergonomics  

    How do pedestrians communicate with car drivers in urban traffic?

    The WIVW has published a study on the interaction between pedestrians and car drivers. In terms of content, 18 pedestrian gestures were identified. Methodologically, it was also investigated whether a virtual environment is comparably well suited to researching these interaction patterns compared to a real environment.

    The results were published in the journal Applied Ergonomics and are available here. Until end of February 2025, the article can also be accessed free of charge here.

    The study was conducted as part of the INITIATIVE project, which was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

  • December
    WIVW at the 15th International Motorcycle Conference  

    What defines a „normal“ motorcycle riding behaviour? What is an appropriate warning timing and which rider reactions should be expected?
    WIVW addressed these topics in two presentations at the 15th International Motorcycle Conference hosted by the Institut für Zweiradsicherheit (ifz) in Cologne on December 5th and 6th:

    • A Matter of Time: Investigation of Warning Timing for Motorcycle Rider Assistance Systems (study on WIVW’s dynamic motorcycle riding simulator on behalf of the Connected Motorcycle Consortium, CMC)
    • An Approach to Rider Behavior Profiling based on Naturalistic Riding Data (results from the project KIMoVe that is supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, BMWK, and conducted together with x-log GmbH and Hochschule Landshut)

    Furthermore, WIVW was involved in three other presentations dealing with head-up displays (HUD) for motorcyclists, rider training and full-body motion capture of motorcyclists.

    More information about the conference and presentations can be found here.

    Fotos: ifz e.V.

  • November
    Publication of the report on the results of the project “SESPIN - Safe and efficient S-pedelec infrastructure”  

    S-pedelecs offer pedal assistance up to 45 km/h. This gives them the potential to also be used on medium-distance routes that would otherwise be covered by car (e.g., commuting routes). In addition to other advantages, this would have a positive impact both on the health of users and on more climate-friendly mobility.

    However, the legal regulations in the D-A-CH region are inconsistent. In Germany, for example, S-pedelecs may only be used on the road in mixed traffic, whereas in Switzerland, cycle traffic facilities must be used. In the framework of an extensive transnational funding project (Öster­rei­chi­sche Forschungs­för­de­rungs­ge­sell­schaft, FFG GmbH), it was the aim of the study to develop recommendations for action for the D-A-CH region on how S-pedelecs can be safely and efficiently integrated into the existing traffic system, while ensuring the broadest possible acceptance by all road users. These recommendations for action can be found in the now published final report, which is the result of a collaboration with partners from Austria (Salzburg Research) and Switzerland (University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, University of Applied Psychology and University of Applied Sciences for Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geomatics). The results report is available here and on the project website.

  • November
    WIVW publishes BASt report on the psychological consequences of accidents  

    What are the psychological effects of road accidents? What mental disorders are common as a result of these accidents? How do the psychological consequences of accidents affect driving behavior?

    As part of an extensive research project funded by the German Federal Highway Research Institute (research project 82.0734), the Würzburg Institute for Traffic Sciences (WIVW GmbH) and the University of Würzburg's University Outpatient Clinic for Psychotherapy jointly conducted a detailed literature review and an experimental study in public traffic.

    The report has now been published and is available here.

  • November
    Presentation at the 13th GMTTB Annual Conference in Constance  

    The WIVW gave a presentation at the 13th Annual Conference of the Society for Medical and Technical Trauma Biomechanics (GMTTB), which took place at the University of Konstanz on 17th and 18th October. The society promotes the understanding of road traffic events and accidents, in particular the improvement of medical, technical and trauma-biomechanical knowledge and expertise for accident-related injuries and their prevention.

    The topic of the talk was the presentation of a method for human factors assessment of semi-automated systems in vehicles based on observation of driver behaviour and interviews. Other presentations covered topics such as cannabis in road traffic, accident research and road safety in Europe and worldwide. Further information can be found here.

  • November
    WIVW publishes study on strategic naps during automated driving in Accident Analysis & Prevention  

    What matters more: Nap duration or sleep depth?

    A new study from WIVW on napping during automated driving reveals that sleep inertia—the grogginess experienced after waking—can occur even after short naps. Interestingly, the duration of the nap seems to play a minor role, while the fitness upon waking depends significantly on how deeply passengers sleep.

    Future automated vehicles should therefore be equipped with technology capable of monitoring sleep depth, allowing them to offer appropriate post-nap support. The study has been published in Accident Analysis & Prevention and is freely accessible here.

    This research is part of the project RUMBA, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

  • October
    Three presentations by the WIVW at the Driver Distraction and Inattention Conference (DDI) in Ann Arbour, USA  

    The WIVW was represented at this year's Driver Distraction and Inattention (DDI) conference with three interesting presentations.

    The DDI is a renowned international conference, where research on driver distraction and inattention are presented to advance road safety. This year's DDI was held from 22 to 24 October at Ann Arbour, University of Michigan (UMTRI). During the conference, WIVW presented exciting new research results on the following topics:

    • Empirical evaluation of demands imposed on drivers by characteristics of dynamic visual information
    • Assessing situation awareness while driving with automation
    • Still fit to drive? - how car sickness affects takeover and driving performance

    More information about the conference and the abstracts and presentations are available here.

  • October
    WIVW contribution to the Motion Comfort Workshop  

    How many people get sick when travelling by car? What factors modulate car sickness?

    The WIVW will provide answers to these questions at the Motion Comfort Workshop (06/07 November, 2024) with a presentation and a poster on the prevalence and modulating factors of car sickness. The workshop is organised by Volkswagen - Group Innovation and TU Delft and supported by the European Hi-Drive project.

    You can register for online participation at this link. You will also find the agenda and information on the presentations.

  • October
    Kick-off of the BASt Level 2 project  

    On October 1, the research project “Systematic collection and evaluation of changes in driving mode for level 2 systems in real traffic” at the request of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport, represented by the Federal Highway Research Institute, under research project No. 82.0829/2023 started. As part of the project, two L2 vehicles will be equipped with a measurement data system for a one-year data collection period. This system records relevant parameters for detecting and describing changes in driving mode and their accompanying circumstances (driver state, traffic environment, environmental factors, etc.). This will create the basis for a future set of data to identify and quantify possible risks when driving with L2 systems.

  • October
    WIVW publishes study in the Special Issue of the Journal of Innovation Management  

    The WIVW publishes a study on user requirements related to electric powered two-wheelers. What are the unmet requirements when it comes to electric two-wheelers? Lightweight design? HMI performance? Wearables?

    Answers to these questions coming from the FFG funded project EMotion can be found in the newly published paper, which is now available free-of-charge here.

    The title of the paper is: Exploring Outcome-driven Innovation for the Responsible Design of Electric Two-wheelers


  • September
    25th anniversary celebration of WIVW  

    We are proud and delighted to look back on 25 years of WIVW's history, which was celebrated on September 12th, 2024 with our customers, partners, other supporters and the team. In the early afternoon, insights into the past and, above all, the future of WIVW's fields of activity were provided in the packed conference room of WIVW’s new building section. Veitshöchheim's 1st Mayor Jürgen Götz, as well as Dr. Lukas Kagerbauer (Deputy Managing Director of the Würzburg-Schweinfurt Chamber of Commerce and Industry), praised the WIVW's achievements in bringing globally active manufacturers and suppliers of the automotive industry to Veitshöchheim for research and development. Afterwards, there was a guided tour through the institute to experience the diversity of research first hand, from pedestrians and cyclists to motorcyclists, car drivers and truck drivers on the respective simulators. After the subsequent individual test drives, the event moved on to a champagne reception and buffet, where the evening came to a close with good conversations and live music. We look forward to the next 25 years of innovative research and driving simulation at WIVW!


    Photo: Alexandra Neukum (managing director WIVW) and Jürgen Götz (1. Major Veitshöchheim)

  • August
    Survey on basic, advanced and further training for emergency driving  

    Emergencies are often a matter of minutes, and driving with blue lights and sirens is a demanding part of the job for emergency services. But how are they trained to safely carry out an emergency drive? Are there sufficiently established training and further education programs for this purpose?

    The results of the Germany-wide online study, which was carried out jointly by DGNOW, DVR, WIVW and ZaNowi and has now been published in the Zeitschrift für Verkehrssicherheit, show a great need for the expansion and systematization of training practice. Participants showed the need for training by specially trained personnel and more practical content such as driver safety training and driving simulation training. The latter were developed with WIVW’s SILAB Driver Education & Training (DET) Emergency package specifically according to the requirements of the emergency drivers. DET Emergency thus already fulfils the wish of the study participants for specific training opportunities in many institutions and shows further important potential for the future.

    The establishment of standardized and mandatory training and further education practices, their integration into vocational training and courses and the qualification of instructors could lead to greater safety for all those involved. Further project steps will follow.

  • August
    Handbook Assisted and Automated Driving now available  

    The 4th edition of the Handbook Assisted and Automated Driving has been produced in collaboration with the WIVW and is now available in German. An English version of the standard reference work with an interdisciplinary view of the various systems and their technical and social challenges will follow.

    The link to the book can be found here.

  • August
    Visit from District Administrator Thomas Eberth  

    What do the companies in the Wuerzburg area deal with and what are their needs? District Administrator Thomas Eberth asked himself these questions during a company visit to WIVW together with Jürgen Götz, Mayor of Veitshöchheim, representatives of the Würzburg-Schweinfurt Chamber of Industry and Commerce and other employees of the Würzburg District Office.
    Managing Director Alexandra Neukum reported on the history of the company and its diverse and international group of users. She also emphasised the interest in cooperating with local institutions such as the different training centers for emergency drivers in the region and the desire to utilise the knowledge and expertise of the WIVW for regional relevant topics such as infrastructure design.
    Afterwards, the participants were able to test drive the different high-quality SILAB driving simulators at the WIVW. Car, motorbike, bicycle and truck simulators were demonstrated by the employees and classified in terms of their possible fields of application.

    Photo: Lucas Kesselhut (LRA Würzburg)

  • July
    Great plans for a great project: WIVW is pleased to be part of the SALSA project!  

    Together with our partners, we will work on innovative concepts for the automated driving of the future. The WIVW is investigating three topics with the following research questions:Tutoring: How can we best impart knowledge about new or updated vehicle functions to drivers?Sleeping during automated driving: How can we optimize takeovers from sleep?Automated and manual vehicles: How does rule-compliant driving behavior of automated vehicles affect acceptance in mixed traffic?The following partners are involved in the project: AUDI AG, Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, CanControls, Elektrobit, FKFS, Fraunhofer IOSB, Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart, INVENSITY, MAN Truck & Bus SE, Spiegel Institut, studiokurbos®, Universität Stuttgart, BASF, Porsche AG, Valeo Deutschland.The project is co-funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.

  • July
    WIVW at the Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference (AHFE)  

    Meet you @ Nizza! At the Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference (AHFE) taking place from 24 to 27 July 2024, the WIVW will present its latest research in two papers. One paper deals with the influence of display animations and their positioning on driver attention and gaze behaviour. The driving simulator study investigated the type and number of non-driving animations that can be implemented in the front displays of vehicles without significantly distracting the driver. The second article examines the relationship between driver characteristics (e.g., technology readiness) and their expectations and understanding of automated driving functions.

  • June
    WIVW publishes study on human-machine cooperation in highly automated driving  

    WIVW publishes study on human-machine cooperation in highly automated driving in Cognition, Technology & Work. The study deals with various cooperative strategies that are used to overcome the limitations of an automated vehicle. The focus is on user preference, comfort and safety perception.

  • May
    Presentation at VI-Grade’s Accelerating Towards Zero Prototypes In The Motorcycle Industry Event in Udine  

    What are the challenges, and more importantly, the solutions when designing a motorcycle riding simulator for human-in-the-loop testing? It was a great pleasure for WIVW to participate in the ZERO PROTOTYPES Summit to share WIVW’s experience from the last decade and to discuss it with experts from around the world.

  • April
    SILAB® 7.2 is now available!  

    The latest version of our simulation software SILAB 7.2 contains many new features that further optimise usability and fields of application in research and development:


    • Changes in the user interface of SILAB, SILABAEdit and SILABPreview
    • Expansion and customisation of the available data processing units (DPUs)
    • Numerous new road users have been integrated: Over 20 new vehicles, new bicycle types and a train. In addition, a large number of graphic objects are available for decorating scenarios: elements for construction sites, industrial areas, railway stations, weekly markets, sports grounds and swimming pools
    • New models for speed traps have been created and can be triggered by the driver
    • More intuitive navigation thanks to the availability of a grid and display of the camera's reference position in SGEObjectPrev which can now open models via drag & drop
    • In the event of rain, raindrops can be displayed on the windscreen and wiped away by the variably activatable windscreen wiper
    • A new sound simulation of an electric vehicle has been integrated
    • The revised demo track contains many of the new elements and invites you to take a test drive!

    For more detailed explanations of the new functionalities and the field of application of SILAB, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • April
    WIVW and the Hi-Drive Project at the Landesverkehrssicherheitstag (Traffic safety day of Bavaria)  

    Last Saturday we presented our institute WIVW as well as the European project Hi-Drive at the Landesverkehrssicherheitstag (Traffic safety day of Bavaria). We were present with an exhibition stand and as part of the stage programme with a short interview about automated driving and the
    Hi-Drive project.

    At the Landesverkehrssicherheitstag, 61 exhibitors, including the police, fire brigade and ambulance service, provided an informative and entertaining contribution to road safety with information stands, attractions and performances in Würzburg city centre. Under the motto "Traffic moves - Together.Mobile.Safe", the event was aimed at all citizens and road users. From the youngest to the oldest, from pedestrians to cyclists and motorised road users.

  • March
    RUMBA final presentation  

    After three and a half years, the project RUMBA is coming to a close soon. It’s time for our partners and us to present the extensive results of our research and development on future interior concepts and new driving experiences for upcoming vehicle automation.Join us for the final event on 24th of April 2024 at the Bosch research campus in Renningen and experience interactive presentations as well as live demos on the test track and in VR!WIVW will present new insights into the mitigation of motion sickness and the fascinating implications of sleeping during automated driving.

    For further information about the event, including the registration form and details about the project itself, visit the project page: https://projekt-rumba.de/ The project was funded by the German Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action) and the team consists of @Audi Deutschland, @MAN Truck & Bus SE, @Bosch, @CanControls, @OHP Group, @Spiegel Institut, @Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart, @Institut für Konstruktionstechnik und Technisches Design (IKTD) - Universität Stuttgart, @Studiokurbos and @CARIAD

  • March
    SESPIN project final presentation and expert workshop  

    At the end of February, the SESPIN project had its final presentation, followed by an expert workshop. The final recommendations for the safe and efficient integration of S-pedelec riders were discussed with experts from all D-A-CH countries.The contribution of WIVW to the project was the structured behavioural observation of S-pedelec riders in the bicycle simulator. Thus, the bicycle simulator was adapted to S-pedelec-specific aspects. Furthermore, different cycling facilities as well as conflict situations with other road users were implemented. Riding behaviour was evaluated on the basis of average speeds, passing distances and other safety-relevant parameters.

    Background: The goal of the SESPIN project is to develop transnational, scientifically validated infrastructural and techno-social solutions for the efficient and safe integration of S-pedelec riders into the general transport system. Particular attention is paid to the interaction with other road users. The aim is to generate recommendations for action that are accepted not only by S-pedelec riders, but also by all road users, and that lead to increased road safety for everyone. Further information: https://www.s-pedelec.net/

  • March
    Final event of the project INITIATIVE  

    Join us online for the final event of the project INITIATIVE with interesting results on the interaction between automated vehicles and other road users!The final event of INITIATIVE (INtellIgenTe Mensch-Technik KommunIkATIon im gemischten Verkehr) will take place on the 13th of March 2024 in Lippstadt. As a project partner, the WIVW will present the project results of the last three years of research and development.The overall goal of the INITIATIVE project was to realize AI-supported intelligent interaction between highly automated vehicles and other road users such as pedestrians and cyclists. Interaction in this context means the situation-based detection of behavior patterns, the recognition of intentions and, based on this, decision-making and coordinated communication between the road users involved.The project team consists of FORVIA HELLA, WIVW, Fraunhofer IOSB, KIT (LTI & IRS), Universität des Saarlandes (Institute of Legal Informatics), ELECTRIC-SPECIAL, and version1. The project was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.The introduction to the project and the presentation of the sub-projects can be followed online in the morning. The live demonstration and the other stations of the project partners will take place in person in the afternoon.

    Further information about the event, including the registration form and the funding project itself, can be found on the project page: initiative-projekt.de.

  • February
    Final event EMotion project  

    After four years, the EMotion project has come to a successful end.During this time, WIVW and eleven partners from Austria (e.g., KTM Technologies, KISKA, AiT, SalzburgResearch) have developed two innovative electric scooters with intuitive HMIs. This project was supported with funds from the Climate and Energy Fund and implemented in line with the "Zero Emission Mobility" programme. The funding was coordinated by the Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG).The main contribution of WIVW was the analysis of user needs through a large survey study, the realization of two simulator studies, the conduction of focus groups, and the evaluation of data in the 8-month field test. The final event took place on February 27 at KISKA in Anif, Austria.

    You can find more information about the project here: https://www.emotion-project.at/

  • February
    WIVW publishes study on sleeping during automated driving in Transportation Research Part F  

    Taking a nap during an automated ride - sounds like a future dream and promises drivers relief from feeling sleepy. However, benefits of sleeping may be opposed by sleep inertia - the post-sleep grogginess. Beneficial and detrimental effects of sleeping behind the steering wheel may depend on several factors. As part of the project #RUMBA, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, WIVW investigated the role of the time of day and individual predispositions like the chronotype on driving under sleep inertia.

    The study is now published in Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior and is freely available for 50 days at Sciencedirect: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1ibK%7E_V9P1IseO

  • February
    WIVW hosts expert workshop on the requirements for vehicle tele operators  

    At the beginning of February 2024 an expert workshop was held at WIVW GmbH on behalf of the “Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen” (Federal Highway Research Institute, BASt). The aim was to discuss the minimum requirements to be met by future tele operators. Three working groups discussed the topics of previous experience and suitability, different stages of training, as well as inspection and monitoring.Background: In teledriving, information on the vehicle's condition and surroundings, e.g., sensor data and video streams, is transmitted from the vehicle to a remote-control center. There, the data is made available to a person who controls the vehicle remotely.

    Many thanks to all the experts from Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG), Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, Deutsche Bahn, Fernride, FTM Institute of Automotive Technology TUM, FSD - Zentrale Stelle, TÜV | DEKRA arge tp 21, Dresden, Valeo and Vay for their participation and valuable contributions!

  • February
    ACEM Workshop Level System  

    Are you a “good” motorcycle rider? Is there a way to self-assess your competences in motorcycle riding? These questions raise controversial discussions from scientific conferences to pub crawls. Thank you ACEM. European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers for hosting us for two days of intense discussions on that topic among FIM (Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme), KNMV, Sveriges MotorCyklister, VSV, Institut für Zweiradsicherheit, KTM Ridersacademy and Würzburger Institut für Verkehrswissenschaften GmbH (WIVW) bringing in the scientific point of view!

  • February
    Young Swiss learner drivers train on SILAB-run lorry simulators.  

    Since the summer of 2023, recruits of the Swiss Army have been sharpening their driving skills on driving simulators powered by SILAB®.WIVW is very proud to be the partner of choice for the Swiss Army, when it comes to driving simulation, as the Army already has extensive experience in training its lorry learner drivers on driving simulators and has a clear vision of what to expect from a heavy-duty software solution.By June 2024, a total of five Armasuisse sites will be equipped with five simulators each to offer the best possible learning conditions for lorry learner drivers. SILAB DET Truck offers a wide range of exercises with increasing levels of difficulty: From getting to know the vehicle on a training yard, intensive maneuvering trainings to longer drives through traffic on city roads, motorways, and rural roads.Simulator-based training allows specific driving tasks to be practiced in a safe and controlled environment without endangering others, all while reducing wear, fuel consumption and CO2 emission.WIVW´s time-tested software solution SILAB® came out on top in the tendering process thanks to its flexible curriculum design and intuitive usability for trainers and students. SILAB DET Truck allows students to work independently and at their own pace on the simulator to focus on their personal areas of interest and thus achieve their training goals quickly and efficiently.

  • January
    SILAB DET (Driver Education & Training) Truck Emergency: Simulator-based training helps emergency response crew to be prepared for their challenging tasks and be ready when it counts.  

    WIVW is proud to announce that yet another driving simulator has successfully been installed and put into operation in Vienna, AT. Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) Vienna is part of the German NGO Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund, which provides diversified social services, emergency relief, and healthcare support on both, national and international level.The driving simulator allows emergency response drivers to train and improve their driving skills in a safe and controlled environment without endangering vehicle, crew or other road users. The training focusses on encouraging a safe and anticipatory driving style, raising awareness to anticipating the behaviour of other road users and react safely and proficient in critical situations.Arriving at the scene of an emergency not only as fast as possible but safe is key – and may make the difference in saving a life.