

Expertise through diversity and experience

The collaboration of our experts from different fields, such as psychology, ergonomics, engineering, computer science and mathematics, enables synergies between all disciplines. This is one of our key advantages, as we offer you development and research services from a single source.

Managing Director

Alexandra Neukum
Psychologie (Dipl.)
T +49 179 661 233 9
T +49 931 78009 205


Dr. Dennis Befelein
Psychologie (M.Sc.)
T +49(0)931-78009-213
Jasmina Bichmann
T +49(0)931-78009-135
Thomas Brand
Human Factors Engineering (M.Sc.)
T +49(0)931-78009-202
Stefanie Ebert
Human-Computer Interaction (M.Sc.)
T +49(0)931-78009-121
Michél Fischer
T +49(0)931-78009-132
Sebastian Gary
Psychologie (M.Sc.) Technomathematik (B.Sc.)
T +49(0)931-78009-210
Martin Grein
Informatik (Dipl.)
T +49(0)931-78009-108
Thomas Hammer
Psychologie (M.Sc.)
T +49(0)931-78009-123
Michael Hanig
Ingenieurwesen (Dipl. FH)
T +49(0)931-78009-103
Sonja Hoffmann
Psychologie (Dipl.)
T +49(0)931-78009-117
Dr. Christina Kremer
Psychologie (M.Sc.)
T +49(0)931-78009-222
Dr. Andreas Landau
Wirtschaftsmathematik (Dipl.)
T +49(0)931-78009-125
Stefan Ludwig
Human-Computer Interaction (M.Sc.)
T +49(0)931-78009-129
Dr. Christian Maag
Psychologie (Dipl.)
T +49(0)931-78009-114
Christian Mark
Informatik (Dipl.)
T +49(0)931-78009-106
Dr. Nora Merkel
Maschinenbau (M.Sc.)
T +49(0)931-78009-131
Dr. Barbara Metz
Psychologie (Dipl.)
T +49(0)931-78009-102
Christel Metz
T +49(0)931-78009-118
Myriam Metzulat
Psychologie (M.Sc.)
T +49(0)931-78009-209
Dr. Dominik Mühlbacher
Psychologie (Dipl.)
T +49(0)931-78009-204
Marcel Nieberler
Mathematik (M.Sc.)
T +49(0)931-78009-130
Karsten Nindel
Wirtschaftsinformatik (B.Sc.)
T +49(0)931-78009-216
Samantha Nindel
Medieninformatik (B.Sc.)
T +49(0)931-78009-122
Kirsten Pearson
Bioprocess Engineering (M.Tech.)
T +49(0)931-78009-126
Dr. Jürgen Pichen
Human-Computer Interaction (M.Sc.)
T +49(0)931-78009-282
Monika Pichen
Betriebswirtschaftslehre (B.A.)
T +49(0)931-78009-313
Dr. Raphael Pless
Maschinenbau (M.Sc.)
T +49(0)931-78009-101
Christian Popp
Informatik (M.Sc.)
T +49(0)931-78009-128
Jascha Prothe
T +49(0)931-78009-215
Heidi Riedmann
T +49(0)931-78009-100
Marlow Röhm
T +49(0)931-78009-188
Frank Schmidt
Ingenieurwesen (Dipl. FH)
T +49(0)931-78009-111
Dr. Marcus Schmitz
Psychologie (Dipl.)
T +49(0)931-78009-116
Stefanie Schoch
Psychologie (Dipl.)
T +49(0)931-78009-109
Dr. Nadja Schömig
Psychologie (Dipl.)
T +49(0)931-78009-208
Florian Sellmann
Psychologie (M.Sc.)
T +49(0)931-78009-134
Dr. Thomas Stemmler
Psychologie (Dipl.)
T +49(0)931-78009-201
Markus Tomzig
Psychologie (M.Sc.)
T +49(0)931-78009-220
Maria Wachsmuth
Informatik (Dipl.) Psychologie (M.Sc.)
T +49(0)931-78009-127
Tristan Wehner
Ergonomie - Human Factors Eng. (M.Sc.)
T +49(0)931-78009-119
Dr. Sebastian Will
Psychologie (Dipl.)
T +49(0)931-78009-203
Johannes Zott
Informationssysteme (M.Sc.)
T +49(0)931-78009-133