Welcome to the Würzburg Institute for Traffic Sciences (WIVW GmbH)!
Your partner for innovative human factors research in the field of traffic science
Our interdisciplinary team of experts in the fields of psychology, engineering and computer science provides you with competent support as a research partner in the field of human factors. We address complex research and development issues of market leaders in the mobility industry and are partners in numerous publicly funded national and international large-scale projects.
Individual driving simulation solutions for science and training
Based on our proprietary SILAB® software, we design, implement and offer customized simulator- and simulation solutions. SILAB was specifically designed for scientific purposes and is continuously developed further in close cooperation with our users. In addition to research and development, this also enables the targeted use of driving simulators for training and driver education.
- August
2024 Survey on basic, advanced and further training for emergency drivingEmergencies are often a matter of minutes, and driving with blue lights and sirens is a demanding part of the job for emergency services. But how are they trained to safely carry out an emergency drive? Are there sufficiently established training and further education programs for this purpose?
The results of the Germany-wide online study, which was carried out jointly by DGNOW, DVR, WIVW and ZaNowi and has now been published in the Zeitschrift für Verkehrssicherheit, show a great need for the expansion and systematization of training practice. Participants showed the need for training by specially trained personnel and more practical content such as driver safety training and driving simulation training. The latter were developed with WIVW’s SILAB Driver Education & Training (DET) Emergency package specifically according to the requirements of the emergency drivers. DET Emergency thus already fulfils the wish of the study participants for specific training opportunities in many institutions and shows further important potential for the future.
The establishment of standardized and mandatory training and further education practices, their integration into vocational training and courses and the qualification of instructors could lead to greater safety for all those involved. Further project steps will follow.
- August
2024 Handbook Assisted and Automated Driving now availableThe 4th edition of the Handbook Assisted and Automated Driving has been produced in collaboration with the WIVW and is now available in German. An English version of the standard reference work with an interdisciplinary view of the various systems and their technical and social challenges will follow.
The link to the book can be found here.
- August
2024 Visit from District Administrator Thomas EberthWhat do the companies in the Wuerzburg area deal with and what are their needs? District Administrator Thomas Eberth asked himself these questions during a company visit to WIVW together with Jürgen Götz, Mayor of Veitshöchheim, representatives of the Würzburg-Schweinfurt Chamber of Industry and Commerce and other employees of the Würzburg District Office.
Managing Director Alexandra Neukum reported on the history of the company and its diverse and international group of users. She also emphasised the interest in cooperating with local institutions such as the different training centers for emergency drivers in the region and the desire to utilise the knowledge and expertise of the WIVW for regional relevant topics such as infrastructure design.
Afterwards, the participants were able to test drive the different high-quality SILAB driving simulators at the WIVW. Car, motorbike, bicycle and truck simulators were demonstrated by the employees and classified in terms of their possible fields of application.Photo: Lucas Kesselhut (LRA Würzburg)
- July
2024 Great plans for a great project: WIVW is pleased to be part of the SALSA project!Together with our partners, we will work on innovative concepts for the automated driving of the future. The WIVW is investigating three topics with the following research questions:Tutoring: How can we best impart knowledge about new or updated vehicle functions to drivers?Sleeping during automated driving: How can we optimize takeovers from sleep?Automated and manual vehicles: How does rule-compliant driving behavior of automated vehicles affect acceptance in mixed traffic?The following partners are involved in the project: AUDI AG, Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, CanControls, Elektrobit, FKFS, Fraunhofer IOSB, Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart, INVENSITY, MAN Truck & Bus SE, Spiegel Institut, studiokurbos®, Universität Stuttgart, BASF, Porsche AG, Valeo Deutschland.The project is co-funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.
- July
2024 WIVW at the Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference (AHFE)Meet you @ Nizza! At the Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference (AHFE) taking place from 24 to 27 July 2024, the WIVW will present its latest research in two papers. One paper deals with the influence of display animations and their positioning on driver attention and gaze behaviour. The driving simulator study investigated the type and number of non-driving animations that can be implemented in the front displays of vehicles without significantly distracting the driver. The second article examines the relationship between driver characteristics (e.g., technology readiness) and their expectations and understanding of automated driving functions.
You can find our open access publications here:
- Display Animations:
- Driver Characteristics:
- June
2024 WIVW publishes study on human-machine cooperation in highly automated drivingWIVW publishes study on human-machine cooperation in highly automated driving in Cognition, Technology & Work. The study deals with various cooperative strategies that are used to overcome the limitations of an automated vehicle. The focus is on user preference, comfort and safety perception.
The study can be accessed here: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10111-024-00757-7