
Together with our partners, we will work on innovative concepts for the automated driving of the future. The WIVW is investigating three topics with the following research questions:

  • Tutoring: How can we best impart knowledge about new or updated vehicle functions to drivers?
  • Sleeping during automated driving: How can we optimize takeovers from sleep?
  • Automated and manual vehicles: How does rule-compliant driving behavior of automated vehicles affect acceptance in mixed traffic?

The following partners are involved in the project: AUDI AG, Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, CanControls, Elektrobit, FKFS, Fraunhofer IOSB, Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart, INVENSITY, MAN Truck & Bus SE, Spiegel Institut, studiokurbos®, Universität Stuttgart, BASF, Porsche AG, Valeo Deutschland.

The project is co-funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.

WIVW publishes study on human-machine cooperation in highly automated driving in Cognition, Technology & Work. The study deals with various cooperative strategies that are used to overcome the limitations of an automated vehicle. The focus is on user preference, comfort and safety perception.

The study can be accessed here: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10111-024-00757-7

Taking a nap during an automated ride - sounds like a future dream and promises drivers relief from feeling sleepy. However, benefits of sleeping may be opposed by sleep inertia - the post-sleep grogginess. Beneficial and detrimental effects of sleeping behind the steering wheel may depend on several factors. As part of the project #RUMBA, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, WIVW investigated the role of the time of day and individual predispositions like the chronotype on driving under sleep inertia.

The study is now published in Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior and is freely available for 50 days at Sciencedirect: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1ibK%7E_V9P1IseO

Since the summer of 2023, recruits of the Swiss Army have been sharpening their driving skills on driving simulators powered by SILAB®.

WIVW is very proud to be the partner of choice for the Swiss Army, when it comes to driving simulation, as the Army already has extensive experience in training its lorry learner drivers on driving simulators and has a clear vision of what to expect from a heavy-duty software solution.

By June 2024, a total of five Armasuisse sites will be equipped with five simulators each to offer the best possible learning conditions for lorry learner drivers. SILAB DET Truck offers a wide range of exercises with increasing levels of difficulty: From getting to know the vehicle on a training yard, intensive maneuvering trainings to longer drives through traffic on city roads, motorways, and rural roads.

Simulator-based training allows specific driving tasks to be practiced in a safe and controlled environment without endangering others, all while reducing wear, fuel consumption and CO2 emission.

WIVW´s time-tested software solution SILAB® came out on top in the tendering process thanks to its flexible curriculum design and intuitive usability for trainers and students. SILAB DET Truck allows students to work independently and at their own pace on the simulator to focus on their personal areas of interest and thus achieve their training goals quickly and efficiently.

Visit: neue-simulatoren-fuer-die-fahrausbildung.html

WIVW is proud to announce that yet another driving simulator has successfully been installed and put into operation in Vienna, AT. Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) Vienna is part of the German NGO Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund, which provides diversified social services, emergency relief, and healthcare support on both, national and international level.

The driving simulator allows emergency response drivers to train and improve their driving skills in a safe and controlled environment without endangering vehicle, crew or other road users. The training focusses on encouraging a safe and anticipatory driving style, raising awareness to anticipating the behaviour of other road users and react safely and proficient in critical situations.

Arriving at the scene of an emergency not only as fast as possible but safe is key – and may make the difference in saving a life.

Visit: https://wien.orf.at/stories/3242020/

Electrification in the transport domain is one of the most relevant issues and it is also under investigation and development in the Powered Two-Wheeler sector. Recently, the Austrian Motorrad Magazin (https://www.motorrad-magazin.at/) published an article on the project EMotion which addresses this topic (#FFG #klimafonds). With eleven partners from Austria (e.g., #KTM, #KISKA, #AiT, #SalzburgResearch), two innovative electric scooters have been developed. #WIVW’s contribution was primarily on the analysis of user needs and the development and evaluation of an eco-coaching system that assists riders in using the energy efficiently.

You can get a good impression on what has been achieved here: https://youtu.be/dTvBU2g8-gM

The aim of the project FE 82.0710/2018 “Corner Fear”, which was carried out by the Department of Automotive Engineering (FZD) of the Technical University of Darmstadt (TU­DA), the Würzburg Institute of Transportation Sciences GmbH (WIVW) and Auto Mobil Forschung Dresden GmbH (AMFD), was to analyse the leaning positions of motorcyclists in everyday life and in dangerous situations for a variety of riders. The existence of a so-called lean angle threshold could be confirmed. Future work should focus on how these results can be transferred in increased motorcycle rider safety. The full report can be downloaded free of charge here.

At the "Würtual Reality 2023" from April 11th to 13th, the WIVW presented the topic

  • Analysis of pedestrian gestures in a virtual environment

The focus of the conference was research in the field of mixed reality in psychological, medical and application-oriented research. The aim was to connect researchers who work with Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (XR). The focus of the lecture was on the identification of pedestrian gestures using a VR environment, which can be used for future communication with automated vehicles. Further information about the conference can be found here.

EU regulation requires all new vehicles to be equipped with Driver Drowsiness and Attention Warning (DDAW). Together with Hyundai Motor Europe Technical Center, WIVW designed a test procedure for the type approval of DDAW systems including drowsy participants in real traffic while ensuring the safety of everyone involved. You can get early access to our practitioner paper here.

The WIVW GmbH places great value on the confidentiality, availability and integrity of information.

In addition to the ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 standards, we follow the question catalogue of information security of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA ISA)

The TISAX® assessment was therefore carried out in December 2022 at the WIVW GmbH.

As TISAX® and TISAX® results are not intended for the general public, the result is exclusively available via the ENX portal: https://portal.enx.com/en-US/TISAX/tisaxassessmentresults/ (Scope-ID: SY8Z95, Assessment-ID: A3W1VW, Participant: WIVW GmbH (PC63XV))

The ENX Association supports with TISAX® (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) on behalf of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) the common acceptance of Information Security Assessments. The TISAX® Assessments are conducted by accredited audit providers that demonstrate their qualification at regular intervals.

The BASt (the German Federal Highway Research Institute) has published a WIVW report on automatic emergency braking systems for motorbikes, which can be downloaded here free and is available with an English abstract:

The aim of the project “Autonomous emergency braking for motorcycles” was to determine the limits of the applicability of such systems. Besides the physical limits, it is also necessary to consider the limits determined by the rider capabilities. The rider is an integral part of the unstable rider-vehicle-system and needs to be able to control the intervention of an emergency braking system as otherwise destabilization or even a fall can occur. [...]

Studies were conducted, showing that with suitable autonomous braking interventions, the initial speed can almost be reduced to half before the rider even starts to apply the brakes. Simulator experiments showed that warning elements can have a positive influence on the rider reaction.

The WIVW is represented at the 14th International Motorcycle Conference, which takes place from 3rd to 4th October in the context of INTERMOT in Cologne with two contributions :

  • Motorcycle Rider Reaction Times as Response to Visual Warning
  • Safety Potential of Data Glasses for Motorcyclists

More information about the conference can be found here.


The WIVW published a new article in Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour:

  • Relation between riding pleasure and vehicle dynamics - Results from a motorcycle field test

Within the first 50 days, the article can be downloaded here free of charge.

Since February 2022, WIVW is member of the scientific steering committee of the Institute for Motorcycle Safety (ifz), thereby supporting the biannual International Motorcycle Conference.

Additional information can be found here.

While driving simulators are a commonly used tool for a wide range of safety-relevant research topics in the passenger car sector, motorcycle riding simulators are currently less prevalent. In order to get an overview of possible applications of motorcycle simulators, a validation methodology for driving simulators was developed within the scope of the research project "Possible applications of motorcycle simulators" (BASt FE 82.0700/2018) in cooperation with FZD of the TU Darmstadt, which was tested on the static motorcycle simulator of the WIVW and the dynamic DESMORI motorcycle simulator of the WIVW.

The methodology makes the assumption that use-case-specific driving tasks of simulators can be broken down into smaller components, so-called minimum scenarios, and conversely, complex driving tasks can be reconstructed from minimum scenarios. Therefore, the two simulators were compared to two test motorcycles within two studies. In a first step, the minimum scenarios were investigated regarding parameters of riding dynamics, rider behavior, and rider workload. The second study investigated more complex, use-case-specific riding tasks under examination of the aforementioned parameters. The studies showed comparable simulator characteristics between the investigation of the minimum scenarios and the complex use-case-scenarios. Thus, the applicability of the developed method can be assumed, whereby the potential applications for a wide range of research questions can be assessed for the respective simulator.

The full report can be downloaded free of charge here.

The aim of the project FE 82.0710/2018 “Corner Fear”, which was carried out by the Department of Automotive Engineering (FZD) of the Technical University of Darmstadt (TU­DA), the Würzburg Institute of Transportation Sciences GmbH (WIVW) and Auto Mobil Forschung Dresden GmbH (AMFD), was to analyse the leaning positions of motorcyclists in everyday life and in dangerous situations for a variety of riders. The existence of a so-called lean angle threshold could be confirmed. Future work should focus on how these results can be transferred in increased motorcycle rider safety. The full report can be downloaded free of charge here.

In the EU-funded L3Pilot project, WIVW has published a study on mobility impacts of highly automated driving in cooperation with VTT Technical Research Center of Finland in the peer-reviewed Transportation (Springer) journal. The publication with the title

  • Travel experience matters: Expected personal mobility impacts after simulated L3/L4 automated driving

is available here

As a result of the works of the WIVW within the project EMotion, a peer-reviewed open access paper was published. The work entitled

  • Towards the Future of Sustainable Mobility: Results from a European Survey on (Electric) Powered-Two Wheelers

is available in the  special issue "Perspectives on the Role of Powered Two-Wheelers in Future Road Transport" of the journal Sustainability and is available here for free.

In cooperation with Prof. Martin Baumann of the University of Ulm, the WIVW has published a study on the effects of sleep on driving behavior and take-over performance in automated driving in the internationally renowned journal Accident Analysis and Prevention:

  • Sleep inertia in automated driving: Post-sleep take-over and driving performance.

The article is available for free for a limited time here.

Today, the Connected Motorcycle Consortium (CMC) unveiled its Basic Specification containing research results, White Papers, requirements, technical specifications, definitions, test reports, guidelines, recommendations... regarding Powered Two-Wheeler C-ITS. WIVW contributed to human factors related topics such as the HMI Guideline for C-ITS Applications.

The documents of the Basic Specification can be found here.