
Meet you @ Nizza! At the Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference (AHFE) taking place from 24 to 27 July 2024, the WIVW will present its latest research in two papers. One paper deals with the influence of display animations and their positioning on driver attention and gaze behaviour. The driving simulator study investigated the type and number of non-driving animations that can be implemented in the front displays of vehicles without significantly distracting the driver. The second article examines the relationship between driver characteristics (e.g., technology readiness) and their expectations and understanding of automated driving functions.

You can find our open access publications here:

- Display Animations:

- Driver Characteristics:

The WIVW presents a paper at the 37th VDI-Tagung „Fahrerassistenzsysteme und Automatisiertes Fahren 2024“, which takes place from June, 25th to 26th in Aachen. The paper deals with the topic

  • Information needs in highly automated driving - Evaluating the user acceptance of in-vehicle display concepts

More information on the conference can be found here.

What are the challenges, and more importantly, the solutions when designing a motorcycle riding simulator for human-in-the-loop testing? It was a great pleasure for WIVW to participate in the ZERO PROTOTYPES Summit to share WIVW’s experience from the last decade and to discuss it with experts from around the world.

Last Saturday we presented our institute #WIVW as well as the European project Hi-Drive at the #Landesverkehrssicherheitstag (Traffic safety day of Bavaria). We were present with an exhibition stand and as part of the stage programme with a short interview about automated driving and the
Hi-Drive project.

At the #Landesverkehrssicherheitstag, 61 exhibitors, including the police, fire brigade and ambulance service, provided an informative and entertaining contribution to road safety with information stands, attractions and performances in Würzburg city centre. Under the motto "Traffic moves - Together.Mobile.Safe", the event was aimed at all citizens and road users. From the youngest to the oldest, from pedestrians to cyclists and motorised road users.

After three and a half years, the project RUMBA is coming to a close soon. It’s time for our partners and us to present the extensive results of our research and development on future interior concepts and new driving experiences for upcoming vehicle automation.

Join us for the final event on 24th of April 2024 at the Bosch research campus in Renningen and experience interactive presentations as well as live demos on the test track and in VR!

WIVW will present new insights into the mitigation of motion sickness and the fascinating implications of sleeping during automated driving.

For further information about the event, including the registration form and details about the project itself, visit the project page:

The project was funded by the German Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action) and the team consists of @Audi Deutschland, @MAN Truck & Bus SE, @Bosch, @CanControls, @OHP Group, @Spiegel Institut, @Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart, @Institut für Konstruktionstechnik und Technisches Design (IKTD) - Universität Stuttgart, @Studiokurbos and @CARIAD

At the end of February, the SESPIN project had its final presentation, followed by an expert workshop. The final recommendations for the safe and efficient integration of S-pedelec riders were discussed with experts from all D-A-CH countries.

The contribution of WIVW to the project was the structured behavioural observation of S-pedelec riders in the bicycle simulator. Thus, the bicycle simulator was adapted to S-pedelec-specific aspects. Furthermore, different cycling facilities as well as conflict situations with other road users were implemented. Riding behaviour was evaluated on the basis of average speeds, passing distances and other safety-relevant parameters.

Background: The goal of the SESPIN project is to develop transnational, scientifically validated infrastructural and techno-social solutions for the efficient and safe integration of S-pedelec riders into the general transport system. Particular attention is paid to the interaction with other road users. The aim is to generate recommendations for action that are accepted not only by S-pedelec riders, but also by all road users, and that lead to increased road safety for everyone.

Further information:

Join us online for the final event of the project INITIATIVE with interesting results on the interaction between automated vehicles and other road users!

The final event of INITIATIVE (INtellIgenTe Mensch-Technik KommunIkATIon im gemischten Verkehr) will take place on the 13th of March 2024 in Lippstadt. As a project partner, the WIVW will present the project results of the last three years of research and development.

The overall goal of the INITIATIVE project was to realize AI-supported intelligent interaction between highly automated vehicles and other road users such as pedestrians and cyclists. Interaction in this context means the situation-based detection of behavior patterns, the recognition of intentions and, based on this, decision-making and coordinated communication between the road users involved.

The project team consists of FORVIA HELLA, WIVW, Fraunhofer IOSB, KIT (LTI & IRS), Universität des Saarlandes (Institute of Legal Informatics), ELECTRIC-SPECIAL, and version1. The project was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

The introduction to the project and the presentation of the sub-projects can be followed online in the morning. The live demonstration and the other stations of the project partners will take place in person in the afternoon.

Further information about the event, including the registration form and the funding project itself, can be found on the project page:


After four years, the EMotion project has come to a successful end.

During this time, WIVW and eleven partners from Austria (e.g., KTM Technologies, KISKA, AiT, SalzburgResearch) have developed two innovative electric scooters with intuitive HMIs. This project was supported with funds from the Climate and Energy Fund and implemented in line with the "Zero Emission Mobility" programme. The funding was coordinated by the Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG).

The main contribution of WIVW was the analysis of user needs through a large survey study, the realization of two simulator studies, the conduction of focus groups, and the evaluation of data in the 8-month field test. The final event took place on February 27 at KISKA in Anif, Austria.

You can find more information about the project here:


At the beginning of February 2024 an expert workshop was held at WIVW GmbH on behalf of the “Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen” (Federal Highway Research Institute, BASt). The aim was to discuss the minimum requirements to be met by future tele operators. Three working groups discussed the topics of previous experience and suitability, different stages of training, as well as inspection and monitoring.

Background: In teledriving, information on the vehicle's condition and surroundings, e.g., sensor data and video streams, is transmitted from the vehicle to a remote-control center. There, the data is made available to a person who controls the vehicle remotely.

Many thanks to all the experts from Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG), Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, Deutsche Bahn, Fernride, FTM Institute of Automotive Technology TUM, FSD - Zentrale Stelle, TÜV | DEKRA arge tp 21, Dresden, Valeo and Vay for their participation and valuable contributions!

Are you a “good” motorcycle rider? Is there a way to self-assess your competences in motorcycle riding? These questions raise controversial discussions from scientific conferences to pub crawls. Thank you ACEM. European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers for hosting us for two days of intense discussions on that topic among FIM (Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme), KNMV, Sveriges MotorCyklister, VSV, Institut für Zweiradsicherheit, KTM Ridersacademy and Würzburger Institut für Verkehrswissenschaften GmbH (WIVW) bringing in the scientific point of view!

As part of the BayernLab Online lecture series, Dr. Nadja Schömig gave a lecture on 23.11. 2023 entitled "Automated driving from the driver's perspective". The lecture is now available online on YouTube. You can find the link here:

The WIVW presents four papers at the "8th International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention", which takes place from 19th to 20th October 2022 in Gothenburg:

  • Investigating different driver-in-the-loop strategies on driver’s eye glances and intervention behavior in partial automated driving (Level 2)
  • “I’m Sad When You’re Distracted” – Effectiveness and User Experience of an Innovative Driver Monitoring System for Partial Automated Driving (Level 2)
  • What leads drivers to illicitly nap during conditionally automated driving? (Level 3)
  • Who benefits from napping in automated driving? – Effects of chronotype on subjective sleep inertia. (Level 4)

More information on the conference can be found here.

After several years of research and development, the IMAGinE project consortium (Intelligent Maneuver Automation – cooperative hazard avoidance in realtime) will present its results during a virtual final presentation on 12 May 2022.

Interested professional audience is also cordially invited to this event. Further information will follow shortly on

From October 18-20 2021, WIVW joins the 7th Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention and presents the following topic:

  • Sleep in Automated Driving – The Perception of Sleep Inertia after Take Over

The conference is held online this year; further information can be found here.

After four years of intense efforts, final results from the EU project L3 Pilot will be presented at the ITS World Congress 2021 in Hamburg on the 13th and 14th October. Besides on-road demonstration of automated driving functions on open roads in Hamburg, results will be presented. The WIVW will contribute four presentations:

  • Technical and Traffic Evaluation Results (motorway)
  • Technical & User Evaluation Results (parking ADF)
  • Driving simulator study on long-term effects on user acceptance and behavioural adaptation to ADF

Further information on the congress can be found here.

From September 14-17 2021, WIVW joins the DSC 2021 Europe VR and presents the following topic: Assessment of Human Machine Interfaces for Hazard Warning of Powered Two-Wheeler Riders.

More information on the event can be found here.

From June 9 - 23 2021, the WIVW participates in the Motorcyclists Safety Workshop: Riding in a Safe System. Organized by the International Transport Forum (OECD), the digital workshop aims to develop recommendations for action to increase motorcycle safety. Among others, the WIVW will be present in the expert session on "Motorcyclist Safety: Vehicle Safety, Protective Safety and Intelligent Transport Systems" with global road safety representatives.

More information on the event can be found here.

This year, the WIVW was strongly represented at the 13th International Motorcycle Conference of the Institut für Zweiradsicherheit (ifz). Due to the Corona pandemic, the conference was held digitally:

  • Pleß, R., Will, S., Neukum, A., & Scherer, F. (2020). Investigation of the existence of a leaning threshold among motorcyclists. Proceedings of the 13th International Motorcycle Conference, available online:
  • Sevarin, A., Will, S., Rößer, J., Mikschofsky, N., Menato, L., Hammer T., Schneider, N., & Mark, C. (2020). Assessment of Visual and Haptic HMI Concepts for Hazard Warning of Powered Two-Wheeler Riders. Proceedings of the 13th International Motorcycle Conference, available online:
  • Schwabe, K., Will, S., & Bauer, K. (2020). Motorcycle Motor Skill Level System – Definition of rider skills and training content based on accident data. Proceedings of the 13th International Motorcycle Conference, available online:
  • Will, S., Hammer T., Rothe, N., & Matschl, G. (2020). Development of an Assessment Method for Powered Two-Wheeler Human Machine Interfaces. Proceedings of the 13th International Motorcycle Conference, available online:

All proceedings papers and presentations are freely available online here

The WIVW attends the Driving Simulation Conference Europe VR 2020 with the following presentation:

  • Using a Bicycle Simulator to Examine the Effects of External HMI on Behavior of Vulnerable Interaction Partners of Automated Vehicles

The conference is held from 9th to 11th of September. The conference homepage can be found here.

Successful kick-off of the Emotion project! As part of this project, the WIVW will contribute to zero emission mobility within the next three years. Further information will follow shortly.





This project is supported with funds from the Climate and Energy Fund of the Austrian government and implemented in line with the "Zero Emission Mobility" programme. Further information can be found here: